LeetCode Problem: 49. Group Anagrams

Problem description can be found here
So in this problem we need to group all the anagrams together. Here is a scala solution:

object Solution {
  def groupAnagrams(strs: Array[String]): List[List[String]] = {
    def solve(strs: Array[String],
              idx: Int,
              mp: Map[String, List[String]]): Map[String, List[String]] = {
      if (idx >= strs.size) mp
      else {
        val str = strs(idx).sortWith(_ < _)
        mp.get(str) match {
          case Some(xs: List[String]) =>
            solve(strs, idx + 1, mp.updated(str, xs :+ strs(idx)))
          case _ => solve(strs, idx + 1, mp + (str -> List(strs(idx))))
    solve(strs, 0, Map[String, List[String]]()).values.toList

In this solution we are recursively traversing over all the strings and appending it to the value in a map. Where key is string sorted version of the same string. So after after the method call to solve. Example:
Input: ["eat", "tea", "tan", "ate", "nat", "bat"] We will have a map that looks like this.


Now all we need to do is extract only values for all keys. which can be done using this .values.toList So here is our solution.


With some clever use of Scala api we can also do something like this:

object Solution {
  def groupAnagrams(strs: Array[String]): List[List[String]] = {

So apparently in the previous solution we are implementing a version of groupBy method.